Package Content
The product package contains the software MyFormatConverter incl. electronic help file and a license key. On request, MyFormatConverter is also available on CD and with printed instructions.
System requirements
The installation of MyFormatConverter requires a functioning Windows operating system. Concerning the hardware the rule of thumb is: the more powerful, the better. The minimum requirements are:
- Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows Vista 10 (each with 32- or 64-Bit)
- Net Framework 4.0
- Optional: CD/DVD-Burner, iTunes, USB-Writer-/Reader
- Several GB of free space for downloaded and/or converted videofiles
- During the activation of the program a connection to the internet is required!
If unexpected problems occur while using MyFormatConverter please contact our Support. You can reach our Support Center directly here on our webseite. Important! To help you as effectively as possible we require the following information:
- The name of the program (MyFormatConverter) and its version number.
- The designation of the used operating system and possibly installed service packs.
- A short error description and indication of frequency (sporadic or regular).
In this chapter you will find all the important information to help you with the first steps of MyFormatConverter. To install MyFormatConverter proceed as following:
- Save all current data and close all open programs.
- If you bought MyFormatConverter on CD please insert the disc. The setup wizard will start automatically; if not so, please open your CD-ROM drive via ‚My computer’ on your desktop and execute the setup file per double click. (e.g. D:\Setup.exe)
- If you bought MyFormatConverter as a download version please start the downloaded file with a double click. If you have not yet downloaded the file you can do this on our website now.

The setup assistant will guide you step by step through the installation. As usual the following rules apply:
- Next: The button ‘Next’ will open the next installation step.
- Back: The button ‘Back’ go back to the last installations step.
- Install: The button ‘Install’ will start the installation. Until this moment there will be no changes made at your system.
Program start
After a successful installation, you can start MyFormatConverter with one of the following methods.
- Via the start menu: Click on ‘Start –> Programs –> MyFormatConverter’.
- Via the desktop: Double click on the MyFormatConverter symbol on your desktop (if you chose to create one during installation).
- Via the quick start bar: Click on the MyFormatConverter symbol in the quick start bar. (Note: Since Windows 7 the quick start bar is not available by default.)
Important: Prior to the first program start make sure your PC is connected to the Internet. This is required for the activation of MyFormatConverter.
The entry ‘License management’ in the menu bar allows you to unlock the full version of MyFormatConverter. Just enter your license key into the text boxes at the bottom. You received your license key either through e-mail (if you bought it online) or inside the MyFormatConverter product package. After the key has been entered press the ‘Check License key’ Button. A message window will open, telling you whether or not the activation has been successful. Important!: Please be aware that an internet connection is necessary to validate the license key.

We suggest to start our software with a right click and the option “Start as administrator” while the first start of MyFormatConverter or during the licensing process!
All registered users will receive free updates according to the respective version number of their programs! The update can be started through the menu bar entry ‘Update’. This update check will does not take a long time and should be repeated regularly.

Tip: Enabling the ‘Activate automatic update’ option in Settings guarantees that MyFormatConverter automatically searches for updates on program start. Note: The update assistant only transfers the program data required for an update; it does not transfer any personal information.
Audio Convert
In this chapter you will find all the necessary information to successfully convert your audio files. Inside the main menu, click on the ‘Audio convert’ button. The following window allows you to choose your desired audio files, which you would like to convert.

- Files Add: Select specific files like music or audiobooks to add them to the file list. It is also possible to select multiple files at once.
- Directory Add: Select a whole directory to add it to the file list. Even all sub directories will be included.
- CD: Music files located on a CD will be added to the file list.
- DVD track: The audio track on a DVD will be read and added to the file list.
After the files have been chosen you can disable some through the check boxes on the left side, if you don’t want to convert them. The red cross on the upper right side removes an entry completely from the list. This function can also be accessed through the context menu (right click inside the file list). To change the convert order you can use the two arrows next to the red cross.

The right side offers some more functions which will be explained now:
- Preview player: A simple music player to let you preview your selected files. It can also alter the playback speed.
- File properties: A summary of some important information (Duration, Bit rate, Codec etc.) of the selected file.
- Meta info: Here you can edit the meta information (Title, Artist, Album etc.) of the selected file. A cover search is also integrated. The key word should be something like the name of the album, if you know it. But even the title of the song alone delivers results. Please be aware that not all data types support meta information.
After you have chosen your desired files a click on ‘Next’ will lead you to the next window, where you can select an output format. The number of selectable profiles is dependent on you MyFormatConverter version. If you are not sure which profile is the correct one for your device, it is never wrong to choose mp3. This format is the most common and can be run on nearly all devices.
In the lower side you can find some settings for the file conversion. These will help you achieve the result you want. They are only temporary and will affect only the current conversion.
- Channels: Most of the time ‘Stereo’ is the correct selection. It means that two channels will be used. ‘Mono’ should only be selected if you want to play your music on devices, which don’t support ‘Stereo’. This will lead to smaller file sizes.
- Sample rate: The standard setting of 44100 Hz should be used. This is the sample rate of audio CDs. If your device can’t play the converted files you can try to alter the sample rate. This might solve the problem.
- Bit rate: The bit rate directly influences the sound quality. The higher the bit rate is, the better the sound quality will be. This also leads to higher file sizes. The selected bit rate should not exceed the original bit rate.
- Use VBR: Variant bit rate allows you to choose an area in which the bit rate can be. This technique offers high quality music with less used space. This cannot be used with all file types.

If you are happy with your conversion settings you can get to the next window by clicking on the ‘Next’ button. Here you can select a target path, where the files will be saved. The checkbox on the lower side automatically shuts down the computer after the conversion is complete.
The button ‘Start conversion’ initiates the conversion process. The progress is visualized through a loading bar. The button ‘Stop conversion’ completely stops the conversion and opens the main menu.
Video Convert
In this chapter you will find all the necessary information to successfully convert and optimize your video files. You can also find a guide on how to convert 2D to 3D videos.

Select conversion files
Inside the main menu, click on the ‘Video convert’ button. The following window allows you to choose your desired video files, which you would like to convert.
- Files Add: Select specific video files to add them to the file list. It is also possible to select multiple files at once.
- Directory Add: Select a whole directory to add it to the file list. Even all sub directories will be included.
- DVD track: A DVD consist of many different components, which can’t be copied to the hard drive so easily. This function will read the different parts like video stream, subtitles and audio stream to connect and copy them to your computer.
After the files have been chosen you can disable some through the check boxes on the left side, if you don’t want to convert them. The red cross on the upper right side removes an entry completely from the list. This function can also be accessed through the context menu (right click inside the file list). To change the convert order you can use the two arrows next to the red cross. The right side offers some more functions which will be explained now:
- Preview player: A simple video player to let you preview your selected files. It can also alter the playback speed. The camera button allows you to create a thumbnail, the scissor button opens the cut tool, where you can cut the video for your needs.
- File properties: A summary of some important information (Duration, Bit rate, Codec etc.) of the selected file.
- Meta info: Here you can edit the meta information (Title, Artist, Album etc.) of the selected file. A cover search is also integrated.
Optimize videos
Open the ‘Optimize videos’ button located in the main menu. You will find some settings to optimize your video, as well as the settings you already know.

- Optimization: A completely automatic optimization can be started by enabling the check box ‘Automatic’. If this option is deactivated you can use the slider to alter the grade of optimization.
- Autocolor: This option adjust the color distribution automatically.
- HDR effect: For HDR photos (pictures with high contrast) you usually need a special camera or several LDR photos. This function uses one frame to simulate the other ones to compensate for overor underexposure.
- Stabilize: This function helps you improve shaky videos. The check box ‘Automatic’ leads to an automatic stabilization of the video. If deactivated you can alter the grade of stabilization through the slider.
- Rotate: Here you can change the orientation of your videos.
2D to 3D conversion
The conversion from 2D to 3D is not much different from a normal video conversion. Firstly, click on the ‘2D to 3D conversion’ inside the main menu. Here you will find your usual conversion settings, as well as option to convert 2D videos into 3D videos. The ‘3D mode’ list allows you to choose your desired technique.

- Shutter technology: For this technology you will need the so-called shutter-glasses. They are made of liquid crystal layers, where the opaqueness can be controlled for each eye separately. The image will be alternated between both eyes to create the 3D effect. The disadvantage of this technique is, that you need a really strong graphics card and a 120 Hz monitor.
- Polarization technology: The polarization technology is often used in cinemas or newer TVs. The glasses only let through differently polarized light for each eye. The disadvantage of this technique is that you may not move your head too much while watching because the video will be seen blurry.
- Color filter technology: The videos color palette will be altered. With correct glasses each eye will only see one image which creates a 3D effect. Disadvantage of this technique is that the colors won’t be presented as good. yFormatConverter supports this technique for the color combinations yellow/blue, red/ cyan and green/magenta.
- Alternate left/ right: Sometimes glasses have switched orientation or colors for each eye. This option helps you solve this problem.

In the lower area you can choose more detailed options for your desired technology.
- Brightness: Some technology make the video very dark. Here you can adjust the brightness until it looks like the original.
- Depth effect: Here you can adjust how strong the 3D effect should be. Positive values bring the effect more into the front, negative values more into the background.
- Frame offset: The 3D effect will be calculated with two successive frames. A value of 2 will skip every second frame. This should be selected, if you have videos with little movement. At a value of 0 every frame will be looked at separately. This is good for videos with many fast cuts.

After you have chosen your desired files a click on ‘Next’ will lead you to the next window, where you can select an output format. The number of selectable profiles is dependent on your MyFormatConverter version. If you are not sure which profile is the correct one for your device, you can try it with a general profile like ‘HD – MP4’.
In the lower side you can find some settings for the file conversion. These will help you achieve the result you want. They are only temporary and will affect only the current conversion.
- Resolution: Some profiles allow to change the output resolution. You should not select a resolution, which is bigger than the original one because this will lower the quality. You should also check for the correct aspect ratio.
- Frame rate: The frame rate is an indicator for the number of images per second. You should adapt the original frame rate.
- Video bit rate: The video bit rate directly influences the quality and size of a video. The selected bit rate should not differ too much from the original one.
- Audio bit rate: The audio bit rate also influences quality and size. The effect is rather small. Therefore the standard bit rate is usually enough.
Select target path
If you are happy with your conversion settings you can get to the next window by clicking on the ‘Next’ button. Here you can select a target path, where the files will be saved. The checkbox on the lower side automatically shuts down the computer after the conversion is complete.
The button ‘Start conversion’ initiates the conversion process. The progress is visualized through a loading bar. The button ‘Stop conversion’ completely stops the conversion and opens the main menu.
Photo Convert
In this chapter you will find all the necessary information to successfully convert your photos.

Select conversion files
Inside the main menu, click on the ‘Photo convert’ button. The following window allows you to choose your desired picture files, which you would like to convert.
- Files Add: Select specific picture files to add them to the file list. It is also possible to select multiple files at once.
- Directory Add: Select a whole directory to add it to the file list. Even all sub directories will be included.
After the files have been chosen you can disable some through the check boxes on the left side, if you don’t want to convert them. The red cross on the upper right side removes an entry completely from the list. This function can also be accessed through the context menu (right click inside the file list). To change the convert order you can use the two arrows next to the red cross. On the right side you can find information like format, resolution, size etc. for your selected file.
Optimize photos
Open the ‘Optimize photos’ button located in the main menu. You will find some settings to optimize your photos, as well as the settings you already know.

- Optimization: A completely automatic optimization can be started by enabling the check box ‘Automatic’. If this option is deactivated you can use the slider to alter the grade of optimization.
- Autocolor: This option adjust the color distribution automatically.
- HDR effect: For HDR photos (pictures with high contrast) you usually need a special camera or several LDR photos. This function uses one frame to simulate the other ones to compensate for overor underexposure.
- Repair: This function can restore old photos. The process involves removing tears and color losses. The check box ‘Automatic’ leads to an automatic repair of the photo. If deactivated you can alter the grade of the repair through the slider.
Rotate: Here you can change the orientation of your photos.
After you have chosen your desired files a click on ‘Next’ will lead you to the next window, where you can select an output format. You can choose between .jpg and .bmp.
In the lower side you can find some settings for the file conversion. These will help you achieve the result you want. They are only temporary and will affect only the current conversion.
- Change resolution: The resolution affects the quality of the converted photos. It should not be set higher than the orginal photo resolution.
- Quality: The file format .jpg also offers the possibility to alter the output quality. The higher the quality, the more space the photo will consume.
- Fill image: If the selected output resolution has a different aspect ratio than the original one, the edges will be filled with image material.
- Cut image: The original photo will be enlarged to fit the output resolution. Edges will be cut in this process.
- Stretch image: The original photo will be stretched to fit in the output resolution. The changes the aspect ratio and distorts the photo.
Select target path
If you are happy with your conversion settings you can get to the next window by clicking on the ‘Next’ button. Here you can select a target path, where the files will be saved. The checkbox on the lower side automatically shuts down the computer after the conversion is complete.
The button ‘Start conversion’ initiates the conversion process. The progress is visualized through a loading bar. The button ‘Stop conversion’ completely stops the conversion and opens the main menu.
Burn CD/ DVD
Inside the main menu, click on the ‘Burn CD/ DVD’ button. The following window allows you to choose your desired files, which you would like to burn.

- Add files: Select specific video files to add them to the file list. It is also possible to select multiple Burn CD/ DVD files at once.
- Add Directory: Select a whole directory to add it to the file list. Even all sub directories will be included.
The red cross on the upper right side removes an entry completely from the list. This function can also be accessed through the context menu (right click inside the file list). To change the burn order you can use the two arrows next to the red cross. The text box ‘Name’ allows you to change the name of your CD/ DVD. If you have multiple drives you have to choose the correct one through ‘Recorder’. ‘Disc Type’ lets you choose between burning a ‘Data disc’ or an ‘Audio CD’.
- Data disc: A ‘Data disc’ can be used as an archive for your files. It doesn’t matter which file format they have.
- Audio CD: The ‘Audio CD’ is compatible with a variety of devices. You should select this option, if you only want to save music files.
The button ‘Start burning’ will trigger the burning process.
In this chapter you will find all the necessary information to alter the settings for your needs.

First of all you have to choose a codec from the list. Depending on your MyFormatConverter version there are different codecs available. More options will become visible after a selection has been done.
- Channels: Most of the time ‘Stereo’ is the correct selection. It means that two channels will be used. ‘Mono’ should only be selected if you want to play your music on devices, which don’t support ‘Stereo’. This will lead to smaller file sizes.
- Sample rate: The standard setting of 44100 Hz should be used. This is the sample rate of audio CDs. If your device can’t play the converted files you can try to alter the sample rate. This might solve the problem.
- Bit rate: The bit rate directly influences the sound quality. The higher the bit rate is, the better the sound quality will be. This also leads to higher file sizes. The selected bit rate should not exceed the original bit rate.
- Use VBR: Variant bit rate allows you to choose an area in which the bit rate can be. This technique offers high quality music with less used space. This cannot be used with all file types.
- In some countries it is forbidden to directly copy DRM-protected files. A workaround for this is an analog recording. Choose your ‘Sound card’ from the list and switch the ‘Input’ to ‘Main volume’. Afterwards you can adjust the ‘Level’ for your needs.
Here you can edit the profile list for Select video profile. The check boxes on the left side deactivate a profile, so it doesn’t appear in the list anymore. You can also import, export, edit and delete profiles.
- Import profile: Allows you to import profile you possibly received from someone. They use the .xml file type.
- Export profile: Saves the selected profile as an .xml file. This can be used to share profiles.
- Edit profile: Edit the profiles for your needs.
- Delete profile: The selected profile will be deleted and cannot be recovered. If possible you should only deactivate profiles.
Here you can change the standard settings for Select photo profile, so you don’t have to do it again after every restart. After selecting a file type more options will become visible:
- Change resolution: The resolution affects the quality of the converted photos. It should not be set higher than the orginal photo resolution.
- Quality: The file format .jpg also offers the possibility to alter the output quality. The higher the quality, the more space the photo will consume.
- Fill image: If the selected output resolution has a different aspect ratio than the original one, the edges will be filled with image material.
- Cut image: The original photo will be enlarged to fit the output resolution. Edges will be cut in this process.
- Stretch image: The original photo will be stretched to fit in the output resolution. The changes the aspect ratio and distorts the photo.
Here are several settings which directly affect MyFormatConverter:
- Show maximized MyFormatConverter window on program start: MyFormatConverter will start automatically in full screen mode.
- Activate automatic update: Immediately after starting the program it will check, if a new update is available.
- Show service message: If a new update is ready or new profiles have been added, you will receive a notification.
- Reset all security check messages: If you previously deactivated security messages you can activate them again.

The ‘Expert mode’ allows you change standard profiles and target paths.
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